healthcare Archives | Asheville Salt Cave

While you move through this period, do it with intention.

Tips to help you cope with COVID-19 Lisa Linder What’s happening right now is the greatest awakening we’ve ever seen. Whether you are a light worker or just waking up to the whole consciousness thing, there is something for everyone to learn. The world is shifting and changing. There’s no doubt about that. The old […]

What Makes The Asheville Salt Cave Unique

The salt in our cave is antibacterial, growing and self-sustaining, due to our nature-inspired and carefully controlled microclimate.

The Healing Power of Salt Water

Salt water solutions have been used for centuries to help infections, sore throats, mouth ulcers, toothaches, and congestion.

The Healing Benefits of Sound

The therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind of people with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony and health.

The Seven Chakras

Each Chakra reveals clues about a particular area of the body. Each has it’s own specific purpose and is associated with certain organs, hormones, emotions and parts of the personality.

Asheville as a Health Retreat

The climate was regarded as optimal due to its temperature, barometric pressure, and clean mountain air.

Water and Salt: The Essence of Life!

It is not just the purity of air in the salt cave that has a healing effect, but also its resonant vibrations, that activate our self-healing and self-regulating powers.

Body Mechanics: “Texting Thumb” Tendonitis

These repetitive hand motions can lead to pain in the wrist and up the forearm.

Knowledge is Power!

I believe knowledge is powerful and getting out of our box is a very important way to gain wisdom, no matter how you learn.