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If  you’re like me, when experiencing a full blown headache, or even on that verge of one coming on, it can be hard to be mindful of the steps for self care.

I try to remind myself often of these simple tips to use when the headache starts creeping in.

Tip #1

Drink 2 -4 glasses of 8 oz water. Did you know 75% of americans may suffer from dehydration? Hydration is key, on first twinge of a headache, start drinking water. Sometimes I will even add a little pinch of himalayan pink salt to my glass. Salt and water is what we are made up of, so might as well start there. If you’re feeling adventrous come try out our salt cave (we are one of the only ones in the US who use the water element in our salt cave). We have had many folks share of their headache reflief after coming in for a visit. Water is vital to our wellbeing, and with adding the minerals from the salt, this will stop my headache in its tracks.

Stop reading and go drink a glass now!

Tip #2

Hydrotherapy – a fancy word but really a very simple and effective technique. Place a hot compress on your feet and a cold compress on yout head and/or neck, this allow the blood to flow away from the head. You could also place your feet in a hot salt bath and use a washcloth soaked in cold salt water on your head. The theory is that the hot water will increase circulation to the lower extremities, while the cold on the head and neck area will reduse blood flow to that area, and he salt will balance out the minerals for the body to become in balance. Lay or sit a dark and quite space.

Tip #3

Essential oils: Peppermint and lavender essential oils have many healing properties. Apply one drop of each in a carrier oil (such as jojoba or almond oil) to your temples and forhead or disperse in room. Do not get in your eyes, mouth or nose area. Lavender oil is great for sleep, to reduce anxiety or depression, all things that could be leading to your headaches. As for peppermint oil, it is a bit more of a stimulant, it has anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties that feel opening and a bit tingly when applied to the body. These both smell amazing and you can purchased these high quality oils on our online store

Tip # 4

Self massage and Accupressure points: Press on the point between your thumb and first finger or on the tips of fingers and toes. This is an accupressure point known to reduse headache pressure. Receiving regular therapeutic massage is a great way to decrease muscle tension and stress levels. A massage therapist may even be able to help you pin point specific muscle groups or joint that is affecting your headaches. We have many skilled massage therapists at the Asheville Salt Cave and would be happy to help you find some relief.

One self care technique I really enjoy is using a tennis ball in areas that may be feeling tight. Some good areas to try may be between spine and the scapula on the back of the body, or in the neck region. Do what feels like good pressure for you… not to hard, but that just right place where you can breath deep. 

As a sufferer of headaches, many of these tips have helped me with relief, I hope they help you too!

As winter’s end is near and the feeling of spring is just around the corner some new feeling and emotions may arise. 

We often think of spring cleaning our homes or doing a detox for our bodies but what about our emotional and energetic bodies, what can we do to cleanse out the heavy more stagnant energy that has been hibernating in our energy fields all winter as we reflected on the past year?  What happens to our energy bodies in the winter and how do we prepare ourselves to allow the seeds that we have been nourishing all winter the best path for growth and potential as we transition into spring?

During the winter we tend to be less active, it is a time for rest, reflection & introspection. 

The days are shorter and we find ourselves sleeping more and being more introverted as we reflect on what we learned and experienced during the last spring, summer & fall.  We reflect upon the good and the bad and ponder how we want to proceed, what are our plans for the coming growing season?  What do we want to see grow?  During this hibernation period we are hopefully nurturing our seeds both energetic and physical earthly seeds.  What potential do these seeds now have?  Winter is time to get down to our roots, how have we grown our roots in the last year, have our roots grown stronger and where do they grow from here?

Springtime energy is light and crisp, it’s a time for new beginnings & transformation. 

This is a good time to contemplate and develop clarity on all that we have reflected upon during the winter to determine the direction of our path ahead for our future.  Think about making a vision board at this time!

It is time for manifestation of the seeds of potential that we nourished through the winter. 

Things are tending to move and change, if we do not move or change stuck patterns will develop into stagnation in our livers and liver energy which can be toxic & cause emotional stress. Spring is about balance, the spring equinox is the most balanced day of the year between night and day.  How can we find emotional balance & release stagnant energy?

Suggestions on physical movement for moving stuck energy:

Cardio!  Just move your body around, it can be good to think movement in our roots (in this case our legs) which have been dense and heavy over winter.  Go for a run or a hike, bicycle around taking the in aromas and sites of spring flowers and lushness of new beginnings. Practice some yoga moves such as mountain, pigeon, forward fold, downward or upward dog…starting a regular morning (or any time of day) yoga practice will do wonders for helping to move stuck energy!

Suggestions on moving stagnant energy in our energy bodies:

If you have crystals that you work with get them out, cleanse them, and create a grid or place them on an altar as you set intentions for transformation, change and growth.

Some suggestions for flower essences that you can take that may help to move stagnant energy in our subtle energetic bodies: Tansy, Dandelion, Blackberry, Cayenne, Nasturtium, Rock Water, Garlic & Bee Balm

Some crystals that can move stagnant energy: Selenite, Kyanite, sulphur quartz, black tourmaline, black moonstone, and techtities in general but also specifically moldavite &meteorite

Mugwort for moving stagnant energy: Using dried mugwort as a smudge is also helpful in removing any stagnant energy.

If you would like to learn more about using gem and flower essences & gridwork for moving stagnant energy join us in the Asheville Salt Cave on Wednesday March 27th for a group meditation and Spring Renewal Ritual.  We will co-create a crystal grid with a quartz bowl in the middle that will harness the energetics of a variety of flower essences that will infuse into the grid energy as well.  Participants will take home their own Spring Renewal Ritual essence spritzer.

Nicole McClane
Asheville Salt Cave
Flower Essence practitioner and certified herbalist 

When it was suggested that I reach out to a local school to bring relaxation and mindfulness practices to children, I realized 

what I wanted to bring to the children was an experience that would be fresh and new, unlike anything they had known or experienced before.

One of my personal practices is Qi Gong, a traditional Chinese movement practice that builds and balances Qi, or energy. I made a simplified routine that they would enjoy and that would keep their attention. Postures like the Tiger, Blooming Lotus and Bamboo in the Wind were names that they could relate to. Their response was phenomenal. After the Qi Gong, they raised their hands high to say,

“That made me feel all opened up and relaxed!”

Christa from Skinny Beats Sound Shop followed with a sound healing experience that introduced the kids to the feeling or vibration that each instrument could create within them. They were invited to lie down for the sound healing.

But then their little hands gently crept towards the Tibetan singing bowls as they were eager to feel the vibration.  

Over a period of 30 minutes we mingled between the children playing rain drums and singing bowls while they lay quietly engaged with the sound and vibration. Christa played crystal singing bowls and a gong during the actual sound healing and then the children were invited to play some of the instruments. They truly loved every moment, but seemed to really enjoy playing the instruments.

We ended with a sweet Billy Jonas song, “Hollow Bamboo.” It goes something like this:

“We are Hollow Bamboo, Open up your heart and let the light shine through.”

What a joy to watch them place their hands over their hearts and sing this song, coaxing the light from their very own hearts out into the world around them. At the end of the day, it is my hope that this is the message that they carried home to their families.

At Asheville Salt Cave we are dedicated to fostering mindfulness within our community and creating a space for people to come unplug, be quiet, and open up their hearts. We offer both Private and Community Salt Cave sessions as well as Massage Therapy in downtown Asheville.  

Many of us find that the connection between us and our closest celestial body is most palpable when it is at the Full phase of its lunar cycle.

If nothing else, it is at least most visible in the night sky at this time. Full Moons conjure all sorts of magical effects and are widely known for the intensity of their bright, beaming energy. In a sense, you could say they are the Moon’s most masculine expression, penetrating the darkness, clearing whatever falls into their path of reflected Solar light. You may have sensed a particularly influential connection with the most recent Full Moon, a Super Snow Moon, or Bone Moon. Perhaps as the more direct, intense energies of these Full Moons dissipate, we grow less aware of this connection we share. Until the next Full phase, of course. This endless cycle influences all life on Earth, as it always has, whether we have the sensitivity to notice it or not.

Tapping into the push and pull of the Moon’s orbital phases is a powerful way to utilize the influence of the Moon’s energies to our advantage, instead of being helplessly tossed about in the surf, especially when we integrate this as a conscious, ritualistic practice.

While the energies of the Full Moon are more frequently used for purposes of clearing and charging, the energies of the New Moon can be used for manifestation work and intention setting. Planting seeds, as it were. In fact, agricultural societies throughout history have known that sowing fields is more effective at the time of the New Moon, as this is the time when the soil is most fertile and saturated with live-giving water, as the gravitational pull of the New Moon pulls water closer to the surface allowing for more successful germination.

In other words, the New Moon is the Moon’s most feminine expression – a fertile container from which new life can sprout and grow.

This is therefore the ideal time for planting the seeds of your intentions, setting clear goals, calling in that which you want, and shifting dreams and aspirations into reality. This can be as simple as simply paying attention to your thoughts and feelings around the time of the New Moon so as to output energy signatures which align with the life you want. Or it can be a thorough and complete monthly ritual. How you ritualize this practice is limited only by your imagination. Fortunately there are numerous effective, age-old ritualistic methods at our disposal. Have you ever assembled a manifestation altar? Or invoked elemental magic? How about alchemical visualization?

Each month, we take advantage of the deeply healing atmosphere of our crystal salt cave to facilitate a ritualistic meditation and intention setting practice amplified by the energies of the New Moon within this sacred salt space. This monthly mini-workshop will guide you through the process of making your own creative altars. It also covers a variety of tools and techniques to refine and optimize the effectiveness of your manifestation work. The evening concludes with a deep meditation which clears and harmonizes your field, helping you to resonate in alignment with the potential reality you’ve been dreaming of, and which, with consistent practice, will ultimately make your wishes come true.

If you’re interested in learning these alchemical techniques for empowering yourself to create the life you want, then sign up for our next New Moon Meditation in the Salt Cave

At Asheville Salt Cave we offer a variety of other special events such as reiki, handpan, and sound healings. We also offer Salt Therapy, Massage Therapy, and Couples Massage services. 

In a recent conversation I was having with a friend,

we found ourselves discussing the complexity of navigating  relationships and what it takes to foster healthy reciprocity.

With Valentine’s Day just a few days away, I felt inspired to write a little piece on the 5 love languages as a reminder that all relationships require attention, communication and energy. All of them. And also, you got this!

If you aren’t familiar with “5 Love Languages” developed Dr. Gary Chapman, the premise of his book is that there are 5 basic expressions of love and that most people do not share the same language. The book helps people not only identify what their love language is, but emphasizes learning how to understand and interpret all of them.  Knowledge is power, amiright?

Here is a brief rundown of the 5 Love Languages:

Quality Time

This falls under the camp of offering your full and undivided attention. We are talking eye contact, active listening and the absence of cell phones and TV.

Words of Affirmation

Kind, encouraging words and reasons behind your love make all the difference here.

Physical Touch

This love language is pretty self explanatory…hugs, holding hands, pats on the back, thoughtful touches on the arm, shoulder or face

Acts of Service

Bringing relief to the never-ending list of things to do can be the biggest expression of love! Think…taking out the trash/recycling, running an errand or taking the car to get the oil changed.

Receiving Gifts

The energy, thought, care that goes behind the perfect gift is the bread and butter of this love language. The item itself is valued as a tangible expression/extension of love.

So, now that you have a sense of what the love languages are all about,

I would like to invite you to dedicate this month to celebrating, embracing and acknowledging the relationships you are fostering in your life. It can be a relationship with yourself, friends, romantic partners or family members…the point is to learn, love and grow.

If you’re still in the planning phases for Valentines Day,

check out the Partner Massage class Inside the Salt Cave where you and a friend or partner of any kind will spend quality time together learning nurturing home massage techniques from one of our massage therapists. If you think about it, this event fulfills all 5 love languages! Check out the events page on our website for more information and to reserve your spaces.

For more fun quality time and gifts to be found around Asheville, check out our friends at  and

To learn more about the love languages and even take the love language profile test go to

When you walk into our Eagle Street brick and mortar in Downtown Asheville,

you will find yourself in our beautiful and aptly named “Salt Apothecary”- a carefully curated retail collection of  home, office, health, and beauty products made with or infused with Himalayan Salt.

With so much to offer in our in the shop, we thought it would be fun to spotlight this season’s most popular products.


Keep your home and office smelling delightful and free of germs with this Thieves inspired formula.  This blend is packed with powerful anti-bacterial,  anti-viral and immune boosting oils such as Clove, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon and Lemon. If this isn’t a part of your cold and flu prevention kit, you should add it in now. This blend is wonderful to diffuse throughout the day, add to your DIY cleaning spray or hand sanitizer. It can also be made into an all natural oral rinse; promoting healthy gums and teeth! Just dilute  a few drops in a glass of water, swish and spit!
The 2oz. bottle retails in our shop for $19


These lavender packs are everything right now with it being so bitterly cold out! When heated up, these are absolutely  perfect for soothing achey joints and muscles, cramps or just for warming up fingers and toes after being in the cold. I usually heat a small one for my 2 year old to hold and cuddle in the car when we go out in the morning and he love’s it too! It only take a couple minutes in the microwave (if you have one) otherwise they can be heated in an oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.
When using as a cold pack, they are great for bumps, bruises, and eye pillows for combating headaches or migraines.

All of the packs are handmade by a local Asheville artisan who sews them for us. We then create the balanced blend of lavender flowers, essential oils and Himalayan salt and fill each pack by hand and then stitch them up. We make 4 different sizes and they all come with beautiful cover case that is removable and washable. These make amazing gifts and will cost anywhere from $7.95 to $37.95


If you love the soft glow of a traditional salt lamp, you will be enchanted by these night lights! They put off a beautiful soft light perfect for illuminating a dark hallway, bathroom, bedroom or kitchen. These are a fairly new addition to our apothecary as we have only had them in for about 6 to 8 months, but we have been having trouble keeping them in stock! People are loving them and these to make a wonderful gift or Salt Cave “treasure” to bring home. Each nightlight comes with a bulb and plug and there are now 3 beautiful shapes/styles to choose from. They retail anywhere from $16.95 to $24.95.

If you love Himalayan salt like we do and are into wellness and self care practices, you’ll love poking around the salt apothecary.

The list above barely scratches the surface of what’s in the store and I didn’t even mention the incredible services and events that we offer! We strive to offer the best massage in Asheville, as well as therapeutic salt therapy in our nature inspire salt cave. Stay tuned though, that blog post is soon to come. Until then, check out our website and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for daily updates, inspirations, and goings on at the Asheville Salt Cave and Salt Apothecary!

“Amazing healing place. Best massage in town!

Paired with 45 minutes in salt cave are just what you need! Massage therapist George is phenomenal and I highly recommend him. The salt cave helps you breath easier and provides a great meditation experience. Go! Try it! You’ll love it!!

-Kim M. 2019

“I just visited for the first time. The couples massage was fabulous!

Jason gave the best massage I’ve had in 20 years. The cave was soothing and amazing! I’m definitely going to be a regular!!!!!

-Regina F. 2019

“Such a great massage!

Jeff made sure to work on my targeted areas and had wonderful customer service!! The cave was relaxing and peaceful! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this place!!!”

-Kristen G. 2018


Our clients really are the best gauge of the quality of our services. It’s no easy feat to be consistently referred to as the best massage in Asheville! All our couple’s massages in January come with a free salt lamp. Come experience for yourself the healing benefits of massage therapy.

Book Now

I had the pleasure of spending 2 weeks on Whidbey Island in Washington State this fall.

While there I had a wildly unique healing experience. Barb Nichols at Whidbey Island Sound Massage blends Sound & Vibrational Therapy with Lomi Lomi Massage techniques at her studio overlooking the sound.

Lomi Lomi is an ancient Hawaiian restorative healing modality that uses the art of compassionate touch.

Barb worked with her hands and forearms with long and sweeping movements, much like long, rolling waves traveling along the body. With soothing nature sounds in the background and mesmerizing tones of Tibetan Singing Bowls carefully placed on the body, I was transported into a vibrational vortex of sound and relaxation.

Sound healing therapy uses aspects of music to improve your physical and emotional health and well-being.

Vibroacoustic therapy uses audible sound vibrations imbedded in recliners, mattresses, and special mats to transmit music and sound vibrations directly to the body. Barb’s massage table is a water bed table with speakers fitted inside. This allowed the vibrations of the music to penetrate right into my chakras creating a deep vibrational healing experience. I left Whidbey Island massage and headed down to the beach to watch the sunset, my body vibrating at a much higher level. I had been cleansed by the sound, the vibration and now by the water as the sun melted into the horizon.

We offer a number of Sound Healing experiences in our Community Salt Cave.

Our neighbor Billy Zanski from Skinny Beat Drum Shop offers sound healing with unique African instruments and drums, as well as crystal singing bowls. Our January 19th session with Billy is SOLD OUT but you may want to catch Jeff Fisher’s Handpan Concert on January 24th at 6:00 pm. Keep an eye on our events calendar for our monthly sound healing events, or book a Private Cave session and create your own sound healing experience. 

My favorite thing after a busy day on my feet is to slip into a Sole Salt Bath.

Sole is a concentrated salt & water solution, pronounced so-lay. I have been taking salt baths for years but since working at the Salt Cave I have a much greater understanding of the cleansing properties of a salt bath. Salt is a natural  purifying agent. So much of the cleansing experience of a salt bath is what happens through our skin as the Sole washes away impurities and draws out toxins from within.

Your skin is an excretory organ that mirrors the condition of your intestines.

When you take a salt bath, the salt minerals penetrate your skin in the form of ions.  This stimulation will cause natural cell growth in your living cell layers. Bio-energetic weak points will be balanced and your body’s energy flow will be activated.

While anyone can benefit from a salt bath, it is particularly soothing for those with:

∙ Rheumatism and joint diseases

∙ Skin irritations from poison ivy, oak, or  sumac

∙ Severe insect bites, blisters, or wounds

∙Recurring infections

∙As a post-operative care regimen

∙Gynecological diseases

∙Other various skin diseases

Let’s talk salt science!  The detoxifying effect of a salt bath can be compared to a 3 day fast.

To get the full benefits of a therapeutic, natural crystal salt bath, the right salt concentration is critical. The salt concentration has to be at least the same as the one of your bodily fluids (approximately 1%) to activate the osmotic exchange ratio.  The formula for a 1% solution is 1.2 ounces of salt per gallon of water. Since a full tub normally takes from 27 to 32 gallons of water, at least 2.6 pounds of natural salt is required. To avoid using body energy to balance the temperature, the water should be approximately 97* fahrenheit (37* celcius). Your bath will remain at a constant temperature because the biophysical composition of the salt is so strong – it causes the molecules to move in a constant rhythm.

Do not use any bath additives, soaps, or oils.

Your bath should last 20 to 30 minutes. During this time, the temperature and the makeup of the salt bath is comparable to the amniotic fluid in which the embryo floats in the prenatal state.  Do not shower off, simply dry off with a towel. After your bath, you should rest for at least 30 minutes. WHILE SOLE BATHS HAVE A POSITIVE EFFECT ON MANY AILMENTS, THEY ARE ALSO DEMANDING ON YOUR CIRCULATORY SYSTEM.  IF YOU SUFFER FROM WEAK OR POOR HEART CIRCULATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR FIRST.

When the day is done and you feel the need for relaxation and quiet time, run yourself a hot Sole Salt Bath. You will find Sole Bath Salts in our Salt Apothecary at the Asheville Salt Cave on 12 Eagle Street in downtown Asheville. You may want to stop by and visit our Community Salt Cave. A 45 minute session in the cave is equivalent to spending 3 days at the beach. We also offer a variety of massage therapy spa services in our healing arts rooms. Such as couples massage, therapeutic massage, hot stone massage, energy work, reflexology, and body scrubs.

Gail has specialized for over 20 years in Swedish, deep tissue and Thai massage and provides a tailor-made treatment for each individual’s needs. She also finds inspiration in wellness coaching and international travel.

The Spa. A Spa Day. What first comes to mind?

A day of pampering, relaxation, and wellness? Something only done as a modern day extravagant luxury? Believe it or not, the concept of “SPA” has been around for centuries. When we look back through the periods of the 19th through the 16th centuries historians have discovered scrolls, written records, and reports from long forgotten spa practitioners who provided places for their patients to “bathe and drink, rest and relax, eat and sleep while taking the waters”.

It is most commonly believed that origin of the spa dates back to the Roman era.

Romans started building baths around naturally occurring hot water springs. These baths were often called ‘aquae’, meaning water. The treatments undertaken at these aquae were known as ‘Sanus per Aquam’ which means health by or through water- shortened to what we today call a Spa.

The healing qualities of water are not a new concept. Throughout history numerous cultures have enjoyed the restorative benefits of soaking in hot water.

The fall of the Roman Empire resulted in a huge decrease in the recognition of the thermal springs or ‘Sanus per Aquam’ concept all over the globe.

Spas then fell into the cycle being discovered, disregarded, and then rediscovered. So although spas and hot water treatments have been in and out of popularity since civilization initially discovered them, the healing power of water was never lost.

“Whenever and wherever Human Culture is born, lives, and dies at some point Spa Cultures appear, blossom, ripen, and flourish and then decline, decay, and die, only to be reborn, renewed, and relived by subsequent generations and civilizations.” -Jonathan Paul de Vierville

We offer salt therapy in our nature inspired salt cave which uses water & salt to recreate the ecosphere of a naturally occurring cave. All of our massage therapy spa services in our healing arts rooms, such as couples massage, therapeutic massage, hot stone massage, reflexology, and body scrubs, all utilize salt and hot towels in some fashion. The healing power of both water and salt are remarkable!

In the spring of this year, I had the opportunity to go to Thailand where I studied first hand, the ancient and powerful healing practice of Thai herbal compress.

The herbs found in these compresses have been researched and passed down for generations . In Thailand, the herbal compress is called luk pra kob, which translates as “herbal pressing sphere.”

This herbal therapy is commonly used to ease pain and inflammation and can also support and strengthen the immune system.

A selection of spicy Thai herbs, including ginger, turmeric, lemongrass, camphor, euclaptyus, and tamarind are bundled together, steamed and used on the skin to soothe muscle aches and swelling. They are applied to the body in gentle pressing, circular, and rolling movements. These herbal gems smell delicious and can be reused for up to one month if stored properly.

The application of the heat and the healing properties of the unique herbs have a deep impact on the body. As the heat penetrates the pores, the skin becomes warmed, blood vessels are dilated, and the body’s blood flow is stimulated. This leads to a rebuilding and nourishing of the body’s tissues. The herbs hold the heat from the steam to deeply penetrate and relax muscles and tendons.

Although the exact origin of Thai herbal compress massage is unknown,

some say it was first introduced to Thailand by monks from India, when they established the first Buddhist monasteries in Thailand around 200 B.C. Others believe it originated from rural folk medicine and was passed on by word of mouth over generations, or through secret manuscripts shared from teacher to student.

The Thai herbal compress technique offers numerous potential health benefits.

It brings a deep relaxation, alleviates sore muscle aches and pain, boosts the immune system, relieves stress and fatigue, boosts both emotional and physical well-being, improves circulation of blood and lymph and stimulates the internal organs.The healing properties of the specific herbs provide added benefits for the sinuses, skin, respiratory system, heart, circulation, and digestion.

We offer salt therapy in our nature inspired salt cave as well as a variety of massage therapy spa services in our healing arts rooms. Such as couples massage, therapeutic massage, hot stone massage, energy work, reflexology, and body scrubs. We invite you to explore the world around you, and try something new during your next massage. You can add the Thai herbal compresses on to any of our massage services!












These tea light candle holders add a touch of nature to any space. Made from pure Himalayan pink salt, they create a lovely orange glow when the candle is lit.

Each candle holder is approximately 4 inches and 2-4lbs

Pure Pink Himalayan Salt


Our Egg Lamp is a pleasing 5 inches in diameter and weighs between 4 and 6 lbs. With its smooth surface and soothing glow it is a favorite in offices and living rooms. It is mounted on a Rosewood base with galvanized steel hardware and would fit nicely upon a nightstand, book shelf, or table.

Each lamp is unique in its color, shape, and striation pattern.
Actual items may vary from photos.

All lamps come with a bulb and a UL rated dimmer cord.  


  • Pure Pink Himalayan Salt
  • Width: 5 in.
  • Weight: 4 – 6 lb
  • Room Dimensions: 8×8 (64 sq feet)

All of our small and medium sized lamps come with this 15 watt bulb.  However, should you need a replacement bulb, they are here for you!


  • One 15 Watt Light Bulb